Due to inclement weather, the CSC STL Office will be closed Tuesday, February 18 through Friday, February 21. All programs will be ZOOM only.
Legacy Giving

Legacy Giving

After family and loved ones have been provided for, many generous individuals and couples remember their favorite charities in their estate plans. By planning, people find they can make a larger gift through their estate than their annual or special gifts.

For Cancer Support Community of Greater St. Louis, gifts made through estate plans represent our future. They help build endowment and assure the future and growth of Cancer Support Community's programs and services.


You can include the Cancer Support Community of Greater St. Louis in your will and specify an asset, amount of money, or other designation.


Many people choose to establish a trust in order to shield their estate from the public scrutiny of probate and/or to resolve investment and custodial issues in the event of incapacitation.

Insurance Policies

Gift a life insurance policy naming the Cancer Support Community of Greater St. Louis as a beneficiary.

Retirement Assets

You can name the Cancer Support Community of Greater St. Louis as a beneficiary of your IRA, retirement or pension plan.


More Information on Legacy Giving

For more information on legacy giving and how your gift could be used, please contact us at 314-238-2000 or info@cancersupportstl.org.

Because we are affiliated with a national organization, we ask donors and their professional advisors to be certain to include our full legal name in their estate documents. This is information to include:

Cancer Support Community of Greater St. Louis
11775 Borman Drive Suite 103
St. Louis, MO 63146

If you’re considering a legacy gift, we recommend speaking with an accountant or financial adviser to understand all your legacy giving options, their tax implications, and other benefits.

Our Community Partners
Staenberg Family Foundation
Land Dynamics
Wolff Shoe Co